The Bible defines three (3) things as "truth".

"To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." Isaiah 8:20

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John 3:16


  One day when I was about 16 I was sitting in a dance hall drinking some bear. You see in Honduras when I was a young boy if you are old enough to buy it you are old enough to drink it. Well while I was sitting there drinkingRead More…

Gone Fishing!


  If you are going to go Fishing what equipment will you need to bring. Fishing Line if outside of the US or Fishing Pole if you live in the USA. Hook Some type of Bate or Lure something to attract what you are trying to catch. It would helpRead More…

Time is Running Out!


About 12 years ago I was having a lot of problems with nose bleeding. So like anyone I went to see my doctor about it who sent me to see an ENT. What he said was not what I was wanting to hear, that nasty word that we all fear,Read More…

To Obey is better


Some time ago I ran across a wedding prayer that illustrates how we substitute religious talk for obedience. This is a girl praying on her wedding day asking God to Bless her: “Dear God. I can hardly believe that this is my wedding day. I know I haven’t been ableRead More…

What does the Bible say?


When my Dad said something he meant what he said, there was no such thing as a second chance. I grew up with two brothers older then me just about 11 months apart, and we fought like cats and dogs. When we did something bad my dad made sure weRead More…

If God is so good why ?


My son came home yesterday and told me about his friend whose wife was pregnant and only two days passed the baby’s due day when the baby stop moving and died, Why, why, why did something so terrible like this happen to this young couple, they had prepared everything expecting this childRead More…

Miracles are they from God or Satan


Have you even seen a miracle, how did you know it was a miracle. In our world today there is a lot of counterfeiting and so if it is in the world it is also in the Church. Are all Miracles of God (answer) can the devil also do miracles.Read More…



          I like when people give me Things, especially things like Gift Certificates, because it mean I can get something for free, I can go and eat and it don’t cost me nothing or I can go to the Home Depot and get things I need and it too don’tRead More…

Lock, Stock and Barrel Christians


Several years ago two ships collided. It happened far out in the calm quiet Atlantic Ocean on a dark foggy night. The smaller ship with two hundred and six people on board sank within thirty minutes. Immediately the larger ship put out life boats to retrieve the passengers who wereRead More…

The Prophet and the Donkey


Numbers 22: 31 Then the LORD opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the angel of the LORD standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand: and he bowed down his head, and fell flat on his face.   Do you sometime feel you are standingRead More…

Buy the TRUTH, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding. Proverbs 23:23
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