Tag: Maryland Volunteers


The Needs of the many outweighed the needs of the one!


Story: During the American Civil War a young soldier lay wounded in a hospital far from home. As he grew worse each day, he felt that his only hope of recovery was to be with his family.

Hebrews 10:7: Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.

One morning President Lincoln visited the hospital to comfort the wounded men. As the homesick soldier watched the president, he saw how kindly he treated every man, passing by none without some fatherly expression of interest. He decided that when the president approached his bed, he would ask him a favor.

Lord and Savior

Finally his turn came. President Lincoln asked the soldier, “Are you comfortable?”
He answered, “Not so comfortable as I would be, Mr. President, if I were back home.”

“What’s your name?” asked Lincoln.
“Samuel Stover, Company H, 2nd Maryland Volunteers,” he quickly replied, hope rising in his heart.
The president looked at the young man for a few moments, gave him a friendly nod, and continued through the ward, visiting every patient.
Private Stover kept a close watch on the president until he left the hospital ward. He was dismayed that, after seeing so many men, Lincoln hadn’t jotted down his name or taken a single note.
Sinking hopelessly back into his bed, Private Stover was certain that he would never see his family again.
How surprised he was a few days later when an order came in Lincoln’s own handwriting to transfer Private Stover of Company H, 2nd Maryland Volunteers to the military hospital at Annapolis, his hometown!
Young Stover got better under his family’s care at the new hospital. Years later he said, “It has always been a mystery to me that a man with so much to think of should keep in mind the name, company and regiment of a private soldier and care about his need.”
Lincoln’s kindness to the soldier is a miniature illustration of the loving, deeply personal interest God has in every one of us.
He knows our cares and needs, including the needs we’re not even aware of.
He doesn’t have to take notes to remember our lives and burdens, because He says in the Scriptures that our names are written on the palms of His hands, and that we are set as a seal upon His heart, and as gems in His crown.
We may come to God with our prayers, and He will hear us, and send us merciful and loving answers far beyond our expectations.
Let us pray!

Tell the Story: At Ground “Zero” Young Louis Scotland ………..
******   Two hemisphere of uranium 234 One day the screwdriver slipped

******You will do alright he said but I have not a chance.
*** There was another young man who said the same thing about 2000 years ago on a
Hill side we call Calvary

As we approach the cross of Calvary we hear the rulers and religious leaders marking him and saying…..
Mt:27:42: He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him.

Mk:15:31: Likewise also the chief priests mocking said among themselves with the scribes, He saved others; himself he cannot save.

Lk:23:35: And the people stood beholding. And the rulers also with them derided him, saying, He saved others; let him save himself, if he be Christ, the chosen of God.

*** What was all this about, why did this man have to die***

He was dying for a falling world dying and for a Sin that he did not commit

Jesus did not have to come to this world, and he did not have to take the abuse of evil men and he did not have to give his life for us, but he did, because he who created us loved us.

Why did this happen, how could this happen
It all started in heaven many thousands of years ago, with the jealousy of a created being trying to be equal with his creator.

Isaiah 14
12: How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13: For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

God knew in his heart that someday this would come too passed, why did he permitted, because God did not want people who could not think, could not act, could not Love.
He knew the cost of giving Angles and giving People the freedom to think and act for themselves, none of this came as a surprised to God.

Timothy:3:5: Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;

Christ could not comedown off the Cross, because he could not save himself and us at the same time so he chose to save us instead.

Do we understand just what happened at the Cross, Do we fully know the price that Jesus paid?
Ezek:18:4: the soul that sinneth, it shall die. But this man did nothing, he did not sin

The world is a stage:……….
It was set that way to test Man if he would be obedience to the laws of God or would he rebel against God.
It was all about a simple test of who you believe ….

The Universe: ………………
Long before God started Creation he knew of the possibility that Sin would one day inter in. But yet it did not stop his Creation Love for what he was doing.

Try telling a Mother or Father that there wayward Children will someday hate them, will someday despise them, will someday want to kill them. Tell them that it would be best to just Kill your Son or Daughter right now before that happens.

What do you think that Mother or Father will tell you, even knowing that they could not kill their Children. God was no different even knowing that one day his children with rise up against Him He still loved then with a God love. Sin must work its way till the entire heavenly host can see what Sin really was, so that it will never rise up again.

God could have made robots who would have never sinned but then they could not have freedom of choice.
God could have make beings who could not think for themselves, but then how would love be expressed.
God could have made machines but then where would companionship be.
So with Love God created, knowing that someday it would cost him his life.
The plan of salvation was a plan lay down before the dawn creation.

It was a plan knowing that someday the two hemisphere of Sin would collide together over a place call Calvary.
There at ground “Zero” the Son of God would have to step in and with the same hands that created the heavens and the earth he would forever have to pull apart the deadly change reaction of Sin by giving his life.

Not only for mankind but for all the other unfailing worlds, they too must understand the cost of infantine love

John:15:13: Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
My friends, nothing in this universe is stronger than love.
Christ was God, and God is love.
It was love who fainted beneath the cross that day. It was love who prayed for His murderers, it was love who felt the thorny crown upon His brow.
Listen, those hands that were stretched out and pierced that day, were the same hands which had fashioned the universe.

1John:3:16: Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.

On the Cross Jesus was paying for our sins, for the soul that sinneth, it shall die, that is the Law.
The needs of

the many out weighted the need of the one, so in order to restore heaven God gave the life of his Son in payment for mans Sin as our substitute.

John 3:
16: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
17: For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
Nineteen Centuries ago the Son of the living God walked directly into Sins most concentrated radiation, allowed himself to be touched by its curse, and let it take His life.
The accumulated guilt of all the ages released its deadly contamination over Calvary.

And he who make the atom permitted Himself to be Nailed to the tower at ground Zero, allowed men to trigger the cruel device we call Calvary
But it was by his act that He broken the deathly chain reaction and broken the power of Sin.
Strangely true were the mocking words of the rulers who watched Him die.
He saved others Himself He cannot save.
Never were truer words spoken. For to interrupt the chain reaction of sin, to stop its deadly fallout, He must give His own life.
He could not save his Himself and others too. It is as if He spoke to every man, you will come through all right. But I haven’t the faintest chance Myself.
Could it be that the God of the universe, in a final attempt to help our limited, Restricted minds to grasp the true meaning of Calvary, had permitted our tampering with the cosmic forces to give us a vocabulary that might better explain it?

Calvary seems so far away, so disconnected from the restless age in which we live. But as Christians, we reverence it.
To most of us Calvary is a little more than a devotional exercise that we take off like a cloak. And even when we stop to think about it, do any of us really know what it means? Or why it had to happen?

We are too busy, too restless, too insecure, too frightened, and revolutionary.
Years of our history, years of surge and change, year’s heavy with anticipation and mystery.
Every seam and fabric of our thinking has been strained in the struggle even to understand what is happened.
How God could love us so much to allow himself to be touched by sinful man and to be killed all to save us.

Truth is that Jesus could not save this world and himself at the same time; it was a one or the other.
So he chose to save this world rather than save himself,

Why, Why, did the God of the universe choose to die in place of a guilty race of people who are no more worthy then a paper clip.

What a story of Love it tells to the unfailing worlds

That God cares for all the creatures that he has created, And that he would stop at nothing to seek out that which was lost.

Because the needs of the many out weighted the needs of the one

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